Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day #2

Working on creating a board for our game and finally have the general idea. Players will move by rolling one die. They can move forward or backward (but not both in the same turn, maybe) but once they are out of a room, they cannot turn back, unless directed to by the cards or scared off by a monster. Players will start in the front room and have to go full circle to the end. However, as in the original game, they must hold the key to the exit and they must defeat a final monster at the end. Players can also attack each other if they land on the same space or get special attack cards.
We're still determining how many weapon cards a person can hold at once. We're thinking 3-4, and we're currently still coming up with the cards. By next class, I want to have preliminary cards and a preliminary board so that we can start playing and see if this game will really work and be enjoyable.

We also need to think about pieces. Will look into that soon.

Also thinking about an exchanging element to the game to see if people can interact better. trying to keep players engaged though the whole game and keep them from getting frustrated.

1 comment:

  1. i have updated the board so if you would like me to finish the board i will
